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Jun 13 , 2023 at 15:45 PM
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Jun 13, 2023
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Ad Info
My name is CherryOnTop. My number is 971-318-3123 I would love to rock your world in ways you wouldn't even dream about. I am a very caring and understanding person. I get hard times so if you have a different offer for anything you'd like just let me know and maybe we can work something out. I love love love to please and I love love love to satisfy. Im an easy going. Non-judgemental, shy, kind hearted person that cares about all walks of life. I'm a people pleaser so my goal is to make sure who ever I am with is provided for and satisfied in the manner they requested. 1. Just be up front with me please. I can't read minds. 2. Let me know what it is I can do to make you happier. 3. If I am not doing something you like redirect me and let me know how I can improve your experience 4. It's no fun if neither of us is comfortable 5. my rates are strictly based on the time spent with me( what ever happens happens between 2 consenting adults) 6. There are a few things I do require an additional donation for. Just ask. 7. I appreciate everything and everyone for even just reading my posts. 8. I'm a student just trying to make enough ends meat to be able to aquire a vehicle. i am not a clock watcher I just love to enjoy the moment,have fun and meet new people :D my average rates are • Qv: 250 (175) • Hhr: 300 (225) • Hr: 350 (300) • Hr & 1/2: 400 ( 330) • 2 hrs: 450 (380) • 2 & 1/2 hrs: 500 (440) • 3 hrs: 550 (480) • 6 hr deal: 850 (775) • All night(12 hours) 1300 (1100) • Around the world: 1800 (1600) • Theraputic deep tissue massage: 200/hhr • Full body deep tissue massage: 250/hhr • Happy ending w/ mouth: 300/hhr • House cleaning(either nude or in ;) outfit : 200/2 rooms • I try to provide in anyway you would like me to. If you want to make videos together just text me.
About Me
Hair Color
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Body Type
Available To
  • Couples
  • Men
  • Women
  • Incall
  • Outcall
Do you offer GFE?
  • Yes
Do you offer Limited GFE?
  • Yes
Fetish Type
  • Dominant
  • Submissive
  • Change Up
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