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Nov 14 , 2023 at 09:15 AM
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Nov 14, 2023
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Good morning/good afternoon/good evening.I sure hope you're day is and has gone well and as you planned. First off I'll start by stating a few boundaries and listing some things you need to understand and respect before contacting me. 1.) I ask that you READ THIS ENTIRE CONTENTS OF THIS AD BEFORE EVEN ATTEMPTING TO CALL/TEXT ME. Please and thank you. 2.) My rates are non negotiable. Don't even try it. 3.) Time is money, so don't waste mine. I won't waste yours. 4.) Serious inquiries ONLY. 5.) Do not text my phone with obscene or inappropriate things and/or suggestions. Unsolicited pictures of your genitals also. You will be blocked. 6.) Enjoy yourself (; I think that covers those things for the most part. Why don't you squeeze me into your schedule and come get some relief from all the stress and organized chaos that may be your every day routine. I promise you'll have a good time and I'll bet $ that you will leave here happier than you when you arrived.I've been around the block more than a time or two and by no means will you be dealing with anything other than a professional (yet personable) little ol' me!. I know what I'm doing papi and im more than good at what I do. As a experienced host & escort, its second nature to help my clients feel comfortable, relaxed, worry free, and most of all, give them a great and pleasurable experience. I'm not shy by any means,I'm very much outgoing. Never rude or short. I'm a people person, I always do my best to tend to & make my clients feel comfortable and usually always manage to break the ice right away! I'm not afraid of a getting into a legitimate, intelligent, & stimulating conversation. & I can definitely hold one. Id say I've got quite the sense of humor also. Lucky for you, haha. I'm a great host,I keep a clean and nice place. I'm always easy going, and provide a safe atmosphere to let go & have fun. I'm probably one of the most cleanly, most hygienic women I know, in every sense. So listen, all and all you're bound to have a lovely and euphoric time babe. Give me a call,or send me a text,and lets get you booked to come and see me! oxoxox P.S.If you've got any other questions or any other curiosities about me or anything at all, feel free to reach out and ask ! I always respond in a reasonable & timely manner and I'm very punctual. (I expect the same from you.)
About Me
Hair Color
Dark Brown
Eye Color
5′ 5″
Body Type
Available To
  • Couples
  • Men
  • Women
  • Incall
  • Outcall
  • Yes
Do you offer Limited GFE?
  • Yes
Fetish Type
  • Dominant
  • Submissive
  • Change Up
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