United States
New York
New York
Oct 29, 2024
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Lockbox Realty is a new and expanding brokerage owned and operated by partners with decades of experience in residential and commercial rentals and sales in and around NYC. Our principal broker has a wealth of connections for investment opportunities and our listing manager has a stellar reputation with some of the biggest management accounts in Brooklyn.

Our brokerage is currently doing residential rentals in Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens. We have fair housing properties on Long Island and in Queens as well as sales opportunities in Westchester, Long Island, and parts of the Hudson Valley!

With all of this exciting inventory and expansion, we are looking to hire lotsssssss of new agents! You do not have to have your license to begin training, but we do want all of our new hires to enroll in real estate courses. We are happy to help in your journey to get your license if needed! Licensed agents will start at 45-50% commission depending on experience.

The right candidates will be self-starting, hard-working types who understand the amount of money you make directly depends upon the amount of work you put in! You will dedicate time daily to advertising properties, communicating with clients, and building/maintaining positive and profitable relationships! You will set aside 1hr per week to join in on our team meetings and will be a supportive teammate and colleague.

Please reply with an email introducing yourself to us and a bit of why you're interested in joining our team. Please also send your resume as a PDF attachment to your email (not in the body).

We can't wait to hear from you!
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